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متخصص و جراح گوش و حلق و بینی

Complications of nose surgery in old age + 3 solutions

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Complications of nose surgery in old age + 3 solutions

When most people think about nose surgery in old age, their first fear is the complications of nose surgery in old age. And questions such as whether nose surgery is harmful in old age? What are the complications of nose surgery in old age? Is there a possibility of death in nose surgery? Or do the effects of the nose disappear after a few years?


Since the nose is a combination of cartilage and meat, there is a possibility of return, but it depends on the skill of your surgeon. Dr. Hamidreza Rasti, with his full experience and successful portfolios in this field, has not had this problem in any of the surgeries. He is one of the best nose surgeons in Tehran. There may be many surgeons who have excellent postoperative and one-year portfolios. But over time, these results remain completely, it is a more challenging issue.

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How is a nose job performed?

One of the important points is what the rhinoplasty actually does to your nose. When nose surgeries are performed, these surgeries are often “reduction” nose surgeries. This means that bone or cartilage is removed from the nose to make it smaller. While this may look good in the short term, it sets you up for a nose job that may backfire over the years.

Removing the underlying structure of the nose is similar to removing the supporting beams from a building. It is easy to imagine that a building with fewer supporting beams is more likely to cave in or collapse as it ages. The same goes for the nose. Without the strength of the nasal “supporting rays”, you can expect that rhinoplasty in old age may not maintain its structure. In this context, Dr. Hamidreza Rasti is the best nose surgeon in Tehran to solve this problem. He is an ear, nose and throat specialist and is familiar with the internal structure of the nose. His surgical method in the first stage is to prevent breathing problems over the years and in the second stage is to create a beautiful nose on your face.

Complications of nose surgery in old age
Complications of nose surgery in old age


Complications of nose surgery in old age

Complications of rhinoplasty in old age is an important point for any elderly person who is thinking about rhinoplasty. The initial results you get are just the first step. How your nose looks after years and decades is very important.

Since your nose is a very important part of your face, your nose job should be done in such a way that it will look good even with the passage of time. Outstanding surgical skill is required to achieve lasting results. While many surgeons may be able to perform rhinoplasty in the first year, creating a nose that lasts over time is much more challenging. With Dr. Rasti’s extensive experience with various nose surgery techniques, he has become one of the best nose surgeons.

The most popular age range for rhinoplasty is between 20 and 29 years. This means that there are hundreds of thousands of people who have had or will have rhinoplasty.

But this does not mean that if you are older than this age range, you cannot do nose surgery. Rather, if you are in good physical condition, you can easily perform this surgery.



Complications of nose surgery in old age
Complications of nose surgery in old age

In our opinion, if you are worried about changes in your nose after years, we should put your mind at ease when you undergo surgery with Dr. Hamidreza Rasti, no harm will come to your nose with the passage of time. And if you are worried about the complications and risks of nose surgery in old age and you are over 40 years old, don’t worry, we will first perform the necessary tests to determine the condition and then proceed to the operation. If you look at celebrities who have had these older rhinoplasty procedures, you will see that their noses develop classic deformities when the nasal structure is not enhanced. But in Dr. Rasti’s clinic, there is no news about complications of nose surgery in old age.

Know more: Percentage and factors of death in nose surgery

What can I do if I had a rhinoplasty years ago, and now I’m seeing some negative effects of aging on my rhinoplasty?

Patients who have undergone rhinoplasty in their youth and may not have had surgery that uses the advanced techniques offered by Dr. Hamidreza Rasti, may be candidates for reconstructive rhinoplasty. Additionally, even patients who perform their rhinoplasty with excellent surgical techniques may require reconstructive surgery over time.

Reconstructive surgery is a reoperation on the nose. During this procedure, a stronger foundation can be created for the nose and problems that have appeared over the years can be repaired.

If you have any questions about aging rhinoplasty or the results of rhinoplasty over time, please contact us. We will be happy to answer your questions or book an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Rashi.

Am I too old for rhinoplasty?

There is no age limit for rhinoplasty surgery. The general rule is that if you are in good health, you are probably a good candidate for surgery. And you will not be involved in the complications of nose surgery in old age.

However, as patients age, surgeons may face increasing challenges that can affect a patient’s long-term cosmetic outcomes.

Many patients may opt for rhinoplasty at an older age and undergo cosmetic surgery in their 40s and 50s, before the aging process causes significant changes in the appearance and basic structure of the nose. These patients are generally satisfied with the rejuvenating effect of rhinoplasty, and in many cases our goal is to fulfill a lifelong desire for their appearance.


Work samples



Results of rhinoplasty in old age

Is 40 too old for rhinoplasty?

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) report in 2021, 78,054 rhinoplasty surgeries were performed on people aged 40 to 54. As long as you are in good physical and mental health, you may benefit from this method. The best time to perform rhinoplasty is when you are more confident in your decision and have enough information about this operation. You should also be comfortable with your surgeon, who should guide you along the way. If you follow these things, you will not be involved in the complications of nose surgery in old age.

Learn more: Care after nose surgery

Rhinoplasty at 50 years old

As long as you are in good health and have enough time in your schedule for a proper recovery, 50 is not “too old” for rhinoplasty. As a cosmetic procedure, rhinoplasty is performed to make the patient’s nose look and feel better, and rhinoplasty can be performed on patients of any age. Just like any other patient, you will need a physical examination and be examined by a doctor before surgery. Don’t let your age stop you from changing your appearance and gaining confidence before the best nose surgeon in Tehran.

Nose surgery over 50 years old

The technical steps of performing rhinoplasty in patients over 50 years old are the same as in younger patients. Rhinoplasty at this age can even make you look younger, as changes in the nose may occur over time that contribute to the appearance of aging. However, patients in this age group are more likely to have underlying diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes, which can increase the risks associated with surgery.

Rhinoplasty for patients over 50 years old

When a patient reaches the age of 60 and older, the physiological changes in the nose require a thorough evaluation by the surgeon to determine if a desirable cosmetic result is possible. Any underlying health concerns should also be considered. Dr. rasti will discuss your medical history at length before surgery to make sure the procedure will be safe and effective for you.

Know more: Is there any fear of nose surgery? Fear of nose job

3 solutions to get rid of the complications of nose surgery in old age

In order to be sure that you can perform rhinoplasty and you will not be involved in the complications of rhinoplasty in old age, you need to go through 3 steps:

1- Call our numbers for a free consultation and exchange opinions with the doctor and book an appointment.

2- The doctor examines you and receives the necessary information about your physical condition from you.

3- Your doctor will send you for a series of tests to eliminate all the risks of old age. And if the results were good, congratulations, you can have surgery with one of the best nose surgeons in Tehran. And there will be no more side effects of nose surgery in old age.

There may be various pre-operative issues as well. For example, can the patient tolerate anesthesia? What is the quality of facial skin, nasal cartilage and bone structure? Is there severe drooping of the nose or significant changes in the back of the nose and nasal airways?

Years of exposure to the sun may also cause dramatic skin changes that affect the quality of the skin. The skin also becomes thinner with age, as less collagen and elastin are produced by the body to give the skin its natural fullness and volume. cThe skin also becomes thinner with age, as less collagen and elastin are produced by the body to give the skin its natural fullness and volume. The risk of bleeding and scarring may also increase.

Dr. Rasti weighs your goals and expectations against the physical reality of surgery. Only then can he determine whether rhinoplasty is right for you. When both of you are confident about the safety and outcome of the procedure, everyone can be happy in the end.

If you still have questions after reading this article, ask us your question below this post. Experts and doctors will answer you directly.

Complications of nose surgery in old age

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